Member meeting to discuss local negotiations on USS and 4F

We will be holding a member meetings on Wednesday 22 June from 2.00-3.00pm in to discuss the latest developments in the disputes. All members have been sent Zoom login details ahead of these meetings. If you do not receive yours, or if you need a reminder, please contact Juergen at the local branch.

At the meeting will have an update on local negotiations to agree joint statements on the USS pension and the 4-Fights with HWU.

Please join us. This is your chance to feed back and indicate what you think about the direction in which we are headed. Should we stand down the assessment and marking boycott in return for the joint statements?

Of the 20 branches who went into the boycott a significant number have now managed to secure statements on USS dispute as well as local agreements which improve working conditions for those branches and help to shift the position nationally. The number of statements on USS now covers 43% of all USS members and continues to rise. We hope to add HWU to that total soon.

Thank you to all branch members who continue to participate in ASOS including the marking and assessment boycott. It is the accumulation of all your efforts to date since December which is starting to make a difference in the disputes.

We will running a members’ poll after the meeting. All members will be sent a link. Please check you inbox and vote on the proposals. It is important that as many members as possible cast their vote.