
Local Members’ Meetings

Local Members’ Meetings are an opportunity for members to express their views and influence branch policy on local and national matters.

Committee Meetings

The branch committee meets each month to organise branch activities and decide on priorities. Members can contact their local rep or the branch president if they wish to suggest an agenda item for discussion at the branch committee.

Meetings with University Management

The Combined Joint Negotiation and Consultation Committee (CJNCC) is a regular meeting between the employer (HWU) and the trade unions (UCU, UNITE, and UNISON) who represent the staff at the University. It is a forum for sharing information and enabling discussions on matters affecting employees, and negotiating on terms and conditions. Two members from the HWUCU committee attend CJNCC meetings.

Annual General Meeting

An opportunity to hear and discuss local and national issues relevant to members. Voting in elections to the branch committee will also take place during this meeting. Any local member is eligible to stand for election, please contact the branch office for nomination papers.

Open Meetings

Open to members and non-members alike, these meetings often focus on specific issues e.g.  pay, pensions, workload etc. A visiting speaker may be invited to an open meeting.

National Members Meetings

The branch sends delegates to national member meetings and specialist interest groups organised by UCU. These are a great opportunity to meet colleagues from other institutions, discuss current issues and activities, and help inform UCU policies and actions nationally. Further details.

Annual Congress and Sector Conferences

UCU’s supreme policy-making body of the union is its annual congress. Congress includes separate annual meetings of UCU’s further and higher education sector conferences, where policy particular to these areas is decided. In addition, special sector conferences are sometimes called between the annual congress meetings in order to pass policy on specific urgent matters.