HWUCU is the Heriot-Watt University branch of University and College Union (UCU). UCU is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers, and academic-related professional services staff working in further and higher education in UK.
The branch committee is elected by members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). It is made up of officers plus representatives from each of the schools and various specialist roles.
The committee communicates via the committee mailing list and meets monthly. We organise committee meetings, AGMs, EGMs, hustings, Get The Vote Out campaigns, social events, and we try to have representatives present at induction days and welcome events.
President | Sarah Joss |
Vice President (Past President) | Marion Winters |
Vice President (President Elect) | Kate Sang |
Secretary | Juergen Munz |
Treasurer | John Spinks |
Equalities Officer | Dan Green |
Membership Officer | Hans-Wolfgang Loidl |
Casework Coordinator | Ruth Humphreys |
Health and Safety Reps | Adnan Ilyas, David Woolf, and John Spinks |
Green Reps | Ruth Humphreys + 1 Vacant |
Pensions Rep | Vacant |
Postdoctoral Researchers and Casualised Members Rep | Lena Biermann |
School Reps Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society | Sandhya Patidar and David Jenkins |
School Reps Engineering & Physical Sciences | Hendrik Nahler and Wolf-Gerrit Fruh |
School Rep Social Sciences | John Cleary + 1 Vacant |
School Rep Mathematical & Computer Sciences | Manuel Maarek + 1 Vacant |
School Rep Textiles & Design | Vacant x 2 |
School Rep Global College | Robert Quinn and Mohammed Abdul Rehman |
Professional Services Rep for HR, GALS, and Finance | Vacant |
Professional Services Rep for IS, Scholar, and MRAC | Anna Clark |
TU-nominated Member of Court (Academic) | David Jenkins |
If you are interested in standing for any of the vacant positions please let the branch office know. School and Professional Services Reps are usually a member’s first point of contact with the union. Reps let the committee know about concerns particular to their school, service or area of expertise, and they also help run campaigns and organise local meetings.
The committee reflects the interests of the branch members and negotiates with management on their behalf. Our branch negotiators endeavour to protect and improve the pay and working conditions of our bargaining group, and ensure that the staff perspective is fully considered in the formulation of policy and everyday operation of the university. Representatives attend the Combined Joint Negotiating and Consultation Committee (CJNCC) and sit on committees for Health and Safety and Equality and Disability, and on Court and Senate.
We link with UCU regionally and nationally through our committee, with members attending national and regional congresses, delegates meetings, and UCU Scotland Executive meetings. We currently have three members on the UCUS Executive: Jürgen, James, Kate and Marion.
The Branch is its members. We rely on members to let us know what is going on within their school or department that may be of concern. Please do get in touch with the committee if you have anything you think we need to know about.