Support our Striking Staff
To mark our last strike day on Friday we finished with particularly colourful picket and a book swap to raise money for our local branch Hardship Fund.
On the picket we have been joined many visitors who came to show their support solidarity. These have included:
- The Heriot-Watt Student Progressive Society
- Our BSL colleagues and interpreter Kitty
- Joanna Cherry QC and MP for Edinburgh South West
- Richard Leonard MSP
- Val Walker, Scottish Labour candidate in the Edinburgh City Council Elections
- Des Loughney, Edinburgh Trade Union Council
- Vicky Blake, UCU President
- Lena Wanggren, UCU Scotland President
- Janet Farrar, UCU President Elect
A big thank-you to you all, and also to the passers-by to stopped to chat and help us with our group photos, and to those of you who have tooted and honked in support.
We raised £109 in cash, with more donations to be made directly into the hardship fund. This has far exceeded our expectations and just to reiterate: please don’t hesitate to claim if you’re struggling financially due to pay deductions for strike action.
Action Short of Strike
For now we continue with Action Short of Strike and no-one should work beyond 35 hrs/week (or part thereof if on a fractional contract), reschedule classes or meetings cancelled due to strike action, cover for absent colleagues, or undertake voluntary tasks. Something which you can do is activate your automatic reply in email, clarifying that you are participating in Action Short of strike. Some examples you can use:
- I am participating in industrial action where I work to ‘contract’ (known as action short of a strike or ASOS). This means that we work only 100% of our allocated working time but not beyond that. Given that our normal work load expects us to use our goodwill to work excessive hours, this means that my progress and replies to your email might take much longer than either of us would like. If you want to know more about why I participate in ASOS, please see here: UCU – Why we’re taking action
- I am taking part in continuous action short of a strike in the form of working to contract as part of UCU’s national industrial action to defend pensions and pay for university staff, and to push back against the widening inequalities across higher education. You can find further information about the disputes here: UCU – Why we’re taking action
Further information which may be of use:
- Information on ‘working to contract’
- What is and is not ‘voluntary’?
- What does ‘action short of strike’ mean for academic-related and professional services staff?
How to say No to extra work
You can politely and professionally decline work/volunteering as part of ASOS or you can send an email stating: ‘I am currently engaged in action short of strike to defend [eg] pay, equalities and pensions which includes working to my contract. All UCU members are advised not to cover for absent colleagues or undertake voluntary activities as part of this action. For this reason I am unable to…’
If your manager raises a concern about this, inform your local branch officers immediately.
Some other initiatives
- Write to your MSPs, constituency and list. The Education, Children and Young People Committee (ECYP) of the Scottish Parliament has the power to call witnesses as part of a committee enquiry into the governance of Scotland’s Universities. Our Principals can be held to account over their claims that UCU pension proposals are unaffordable. Our colleagues at the University of Edinburgh have started a campaign. You can contact our local branch office for a flyer that explains more, and a sample letter template which you can use.
- Mass resignation of external examiners
Not in the UCU?
It is never too late to join the UCU. You do not have to be a member of a union to take part in industrial action and had have your voice heard, but it is advisable. Being part of a recognised collective bargaining group comes with benefits and protections.
It only takes a few minutes to join the UCU, it doesn’t cost much, and your subscription will be eligible for tax relief.