Safe work is a right not a privilege but more people are killed at work than in wars every year.
Every year on 28 April we come together to remember everyone who has been killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work. International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) is officially recognised by UK government and in 19 other countries.
In Edinburgh we will be meeting at the Memorial Tree in West Princes Street Gardens at 12.30 on Sunday 28 April 2024. Nearest entrance is west side of the Mound and down the lowest path.
Keynote Speakers:
- Scott MacRory, FBU.
- Joanna Cherry MP
After there will be the Laying of Wreaths and Songs from Protest in Harmony.
This commemorative event is organised by Edinburgh Trade Union Council and Scottish Hazards. City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government buildings will lower their flags
Working in a bad climate
The theme for 2024 is the impact of climate change on occupational health and safety. Stand with us to remember the early victims of climate change-caused heat stress, UV radiation, air pollution, industrial accidents, extreme weather events, vector-borne diseases, and chemical exposure. Commit to fight for a world that’s more, not less, safe to live and work in.